My passion for transformation is rooted in a combined 25 years of experience as a coach, educator, and director of a high-performing national corporate team. My love affair with coaching is fueled by its impacts in my own life, helping me to be clearer, calmer, and more attuned to my internal operating system.

I believe that effective team members are engaged, trust their leaders, trust themselves, and feel supported in stretching.  A leader’s most important job is to create conditions for others to be brilliant. 

A die-hard English major, I feel keenly the question posed by the poet Mary Oliver: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”  Our chosen career is an opportunity to craft a meaningful destiny by upping the quality of our self-knowledge, generosity, and courage. 

In my off-hours, I am the long-suffering coach of an energetic and distracted 50-pound mutt named Jasper, who is utterly unimpressed with my credentials and experience (unless treats are involved).